WTMA Memories Picture Page #15
This page was last updated Friday, March 21, 2025

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Morning hosts Buzz Bowman and CJ Jones (Early 1980s)

CJ and Buzz at a Charlestowne Square remote broadcast

CJ and Buzz caricature
Buzz Bowman and CJ Jones at a WTMA charity golf tournament

CJ and Buzz with one of the winners of a WTMA charity golf tournament

Article from an early 1980s Sconnix Broadcasting promotional piece.

Article from an early 1980s Sconnix Broadcasting promotional piece

1982 remote at the Windjammer (Isle of Palms) with CJ & Buzz

1982 remote at the Windjammer (Isle of Palms) with CJ & Buzz

Afternoon DJ Dan Stevens and Newsperson Andee Cleveland

DJ Frank Stevens

Charlie Cooper (aka Dave Fredericks)

Newsman Art Reed
Art Reed clears the teletype machine
Newsman Bill Poston
Bill Poston checks out the newspaper.

The scene of an early 1980s WTMA Remote Broadcast

WTMA's Big Mack and Bill Quinn in the early 1980s

WTMA's Big Mack and Steve Harrigan in the early 1980s

WTMA's Big Mack and a Little Friend

WTMA's Big Mack

 Big Mack on the air in the WTMA Control Room

Big Mack poses behind the WTMA board

Big Mack at a WTMA remote

Big Mack at a WTMA remote

Scene of a WTMA "Roof-A-Thon" live broadcast

Big Mack broadcasting from the WTMA van

So this is what we did before cell phones!

WTMA's Big Mack

WTMA winner, Midday DJ Bob Graham and PD/PM Drive DJ Steve King (Mid 1980s)
Midday jock Bob Graham at a mid-80s WTMA remote (Where's the pizza?)
Midday jock Bob Graham on the air in July, 1985
Night jock Scott Young filling in on PM Drive (July 1985)
News Director Warren Ashmore (1986)

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