WTMA Memories Picture Page #1
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Local singer Grace Flemming had a weekly program on WTMA in 1939

Franz Witte worked at WTMA between 1940 and 1948 as an announcer, salesman and program director

Early 1940s picture of listener Lois H. Middleton being interviewed by an unidentified WTMA announcer

1945 newspaper ad

A WTMA ad that appeared in one of the Charleston newspapers in June of 1945

This photo appeared in the Charleston Evening Post on August 30, 1946. The caption read: "Discuss Port's Future -- A round table discussion of the future of the port of Charleston was broadcast from the studios of WTMA last night. Participating (clockwise) were Thomas R. Waring, Jr., managing edition of the News and Courier; Solicitor Robert McC. Figg, counsel for the state ports authority; Cotesworth P. Means, vice-chairman of the authority; and Mayor E. Edwards Wehman, Jr. Allan Brown, announcer, stands in the background. (Photo by Reilly.)"

From the June 16, 1947 issue of Broadcasting magazine

Clipping from the News & Courier from August 4, 1948. The caption reads, "Feminine pulchritude vied with the weed in Kingstree and Lake City yesterday at the opening of the tobacco market. At left, Miss Dorothy Thomas, Queen Azalea IX, describes the scenes at the opening of the Kingstree market, with Mrs. Ronald Allen Reilly, of Charleston, holding the WTMA microphone, while Miss Chine Van Kueran of Kingstree looks on."

Label of a 1952 WTMA electrical transcription

1953 WTMA promotional piece

Bill Walton was a popular WTMA on-air personality in the 1950s

Mid 1950s WTMA promotional piece

1955 WTMA sales piece

"Wherever You Go - There's Radio"
The WTMA Mobile Studio (circa 1956) in front of the former home of WTMA,
the historic Dock Street Theater in downtown Charleston

1957 WTMA promotional piece

1957 WTMA promotional piece

Red Evans was a WTMA DJ in the 1950s. When this picture was taken,
 he was a news anchor on Channel 2 (then with the call letters of WUSN-TV).

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